12 To Try

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For Teens & Adults

We have 12 new categories for the New Year! 

Sign up in Beanstack below and be sure to pick up a new log book and category bookmark at any of our Adult service desks.

Here is How it Works:

  1. Sign up on the library’s Beanstack website or at the library. You can track your progress at wauclib.beanstack.org or pickup a paper log in person..
  2. Read twelve different themed books between 1/2—12/30. Need help finding a book to read? Curated reading lists are available below. Another way to find a title that you like is to check out what our Book Clubs are reading. 

  3. Collect all twelve badges. You can collect a badge on Beanstack or pick up your stickers at our adult service desks.

  4. Prizes will be available beginning 5/1/2024

You can read books from the categories in any order you would like, at your own pace , however we will highlight a different set every month.  Look to the list on the right to see the other book recommendations.


Category of the Month:

image for "Build A Bridge 12 to Try Category"

Read a book with differing political perspective, socio-economic background, or gender identity.


Walkaway: Read any book that shows people walking away on the cover.

Frenemies: Read a book where hatred turns to friendship or love.

Who Are You?: Read a biography, autobiography, or memoir.

Preposition: Read a book with a title that begins with "in", "at", "on", "of", or "to"

Rebel for a Cause: Read a banned or controversial book.

Spice of Life: Read a cookbook, or a book about food.

Build a Bridge: Read a book with differing political perspective, socio-economic background, or gender identity.

Puzzle Master: Read an intricate mystery or true crime with a jigsaw plot.

Dewey Demystified: Take a walk through the non-fiction stacks and find a hidden gem.

Derivative: Read a story derived from another story or true events.

Color My World: Read a book with a color name in the title.

Book Club Back List: Read a book that has been on any Book Club List