Foundation Apparel Sale

Come support our local library by getting some new merch!  Order now at  Don’t delay.  The online shop will be open until October 30.  And delivery is in time for the holidays.  So get to it!  Thanks in advance for your support. 

FY2018/2019 Annual Report

Library Usage Highlights

  • Because of the construction project and related inconveniences, as well as the initiation of the auto-renewal system, comparisons to the previous year are difficult.  Increases in circulation, though, indicate that there is still a healthy demand for library materials of all sorts, particularly children’s books and e-content.  Improved merchandising is likely to result in more checkouts in the coming year.
  • Program attendance has become at least as important as lending materials, because this often what connects people to the library.  More programs were offered this year in spite of program cutbacks during the construction project.  Kid City program attendance this year was up by nearly 53% in spite of the construction project.  Adult program attendance was up by about 4 percent.   Excellent, targeted programming – particularly children’s programming and school outreach – will be essential to the library’s continued vitality in the coming years.
  • We are providing new ways to use the library, and this is also showing good results.  Circulation of equipment was up by 6 percent this year.  

Budget and Finance

  • Successfully executed $4.9 million Spending Plan covering library operations ($3.3 million) and Renovation Project ($1.6 million).  The current fiscal year is projected to close out with a cash balance that will be more than $250,000 higher than budgeted, wiping out the budgeted $113,000 deficit.
  • Administered the budgeting and levy ordinance processes resulting in a 2.9 percent increase in tax revenue for FY2018/19, enabling the renovation of the entire front plaza with minimal impact on the library’s strong financial position.
  • Administered the financing and successful completion of the $1.6 million renovation project, pending installation of the new steel railing, now scheduled to begin in late June.
  • The average wage increase during FY2018/2019 was 3 percent, not including promotions and adjustments.   It is projected that staffing costs will close out this fiscal year about $76,000 under budget.
  • Worked with financial consultant (Ehlers) to secure a $1.2 million 10-year debt certificate to finance most of the cost of the construction project at an outstanding interest rate (2.9522%) with minimal impact on the library’s operating funds.
  • Received payment of $125,000 Live & Learn Construction Grant to be used to help pay for 2018 construction project.  Submitted all grant project reports to Illinois State Library as required for the grant.
  • Successfully administered insurance claim for October 16 fire damage caused by Hard Rock Concrete Cutters.  All repair bills to date ($55,000+) have been paid by West Bend Insurance, including $20,800 for Construction Manager fees and a $1000 deductible.  The fire damage repair coincidentally included repair of rotted roof decking and correction of the drainage problem that caused the rotting in the first place.
  • Maintained a conservative long-term (11-year) budget plan demonstrating the affordability of the 2018 construction project as well as a plan for complying with the new minimum wage requirements.
  • Received payment of $34,057.50 for the FY2018/2019 Illinois Public Library Per Capita Grant. 
  • Annual audit for FY2017/2018 passed without any issues and with no listed recommendations for procedural changes.
  • FY2017/2018 closed out with a $222,000 surplus due in part to taxpayers' early payments of 2018 property taxes in order to take advantage of the unlimited federal income tax deducation that will be limited in 2019.
  • Administered the budgeting and levy ordinance processes resulting in a 2.9 percent increase in tax revenue for FY2017/18 thanks in part to new real estate construction, enabling necessary improvements and further restoration of the post-renovation reserve fund.
  • The average wage increase during FY2017/2018 was 3 percent, not including promotions and adjustments.  Payroll and benefits closed out the fiscal year about $60,000 under budget.
  • Applied for and awarded $125,000 Live & Learn Construction Grant to be used to help pay for 2018 construction project.
  • Worked with financial consultant (Ehlers) to draft a financial plan for the 2018 construction project, utilizing a $1.2 million debt certificate, the $125,000 construction grant, and approximately $275,000 from the library’s Special Reserve Fund. 
  • Presented a 12-year budget plan that demonstrates the affordability of the 2018 construction project.
  • Received payment of $34,057.50 for the FY2017/2018 grant, and a separate letter stating that we will receive $34,057.50 for the FY2018/2019 grant. . 
  • Received erate payment of $929 to reimburse 50% of our Comcast fees for Internet Service during FY2017/2018.

Personnel and Staff Relations

  • The average wage increase during FY2018/2019 was 3 percent, not including promotions and adjustments.   It is projected that staffing costs will close out this fiscal year about $76,000 under budget.
  • Continued emphasis on staff training that is exemplary in its rigor and its methodology, covering all topics that apply to the various tasks each staff member performs. Wauconda Area Library’s “bite-size” Google-based “Knowledge Check” training process has served as a model for many libraries.  Brandon Mundschenk presented at 2018 ILA Conference.
  • Terri Suda represented the Library at the 2018 ILA Conference and presented Reader's Advisory: Turning Ideas Into Action.
  • Library Director continued two-year training process to enable Assistant Library Director to assume many of his responsibilities upon his unexpected absence or his planned departure. pending his official notice to the board. 
  • Hosted all-staff (and board) holiday and thank-you luncheon financed by the library’s Visa Card rewards.

Building and Grounds

  • Administered Renovation Project, working closely with the architects and the construction manager throughout the project, keeping the board informed and receiving their input along the way.
  • New more user-friendly face-out Non-Fiction shelving was added at minimal cost to the library
  • Reconfigured the layout of the Adult A/V and Teen areas in order to improve user-friendliness of the library in general, improve merchandising of the collection, make the space more flexible in accommodating teen programming needs, and improve site lines for staff.
  • More efficient and much brighter lighting installed in the Parking Lot.
  • Substantial repairs ($19,143) to the air conditioning system this year.
  • Initiated roof evaluation to determine short- and long-term needs (in process)
  • Initiated repairs and sealcoating of parking lot (in process).

Library Technology

  • Substantial upgrade to Polaris from Version 5.2 to 6.0 was successfully implemented in May, 2018. 
  • LAN Switch project was bid out via erate discount system and awarded to the lowest bidder, Computer View, Inc., at less than half the list price of the equipment.
  • Expanded Tech2Go service of lending out various pieces of equipment for patrons to use at home or while on vacation.
  • Initiated automatic renewal system. 

Public Relations and Library Services

  • Continued to develop the Wauconda Area Library Foundation.   Worked with the Foundation Directors and the library’s attorney to acquire 501-c-3 status from IRS, certified in March, 2019.  New Foundation logo and letterhead were designed and approved.
  • Moved the Digital History photographic collection from Google+ to Facebook, greatly increasing accessibility and visibility.  More than 100 new photographs were added this year, including a new collection of photographs with commentary from the Farnsworth family.
  • The library played a key role in the United Partnership’s Summer Lunch Program in 2018 and will do so again in 2019, providing the translation services of Norma Hacke, the library’s bi-lingual specialist.  Molly Wilson also participated in this program as the library’s new representative in the Partnership.  In Summer of 2018, more than 2000 lunches were served to Wauconda Area children because of this project.
  • Created a new Friends of the Library web page documenting their contributions through the years.
  • Created a tribute page for former Library Trustee Peg Whitman.

Library Policies and Trustee Administration

  • Fulfilled trustee training and standards review requirements in compliance with Illinois Public Library Per Capita Grant application.
  • Updated in-house Trustee Training web page and checklist.
  • Successfully recruited new library trustee to fill vacant seat.
  • Successfully administered the election of three library trustee


  • Lost and Found (Revision) – Removed language that is no longer applicable.
  • Outdoor Digital Sign (Revision) – Removed language that is no longer applicable.
  • Patron Behavior (Revision) - Simplified policy for clarity without substantive changes, revisions made are for clarity and currency.
  • Photography (New) – Policy to inform patrons the purpose of library photography when using library facilities/attending events and that it may be used in marketing.
  • Security Camera (Replacement) – Replacement policy of Video Security Confidentiality policy, revised for clarity and currency.
  • Interlibrary Loan (Revision) – Removed language that is no longer applicable.
  • Materials Selection Policy (Revision) – Simplified policy for clarity without substantive changes, removed language that is no longer applicable The library complied with all the requirements specified in the Per Capita Grant applications, resulting in the library boards greater awareness of the topics covered
  • Reference Services Policy