Foundation Apparel Sale

Come support our local library by getting some new merch!  Order now at  Don’t delay.  The online shop will be open until October 30.  And delivery is in time for the holidays.  So get to it!  Thanks in advance for your support. 

FY2010/2011 Annual Report

Library Usage Highlights

  • Library patrons visited the library this year 256,191 times, averaging 21,349 visits per month, 4,927 per week, and 702 per day.
  • There are a total of 142,756 items in the library's collection -- a net increase of 10,669 items since last year.
  • Checkouts of library materials totaled 643,423 this year -- down by about 3% from last year, due in part to a 15% decrease in checkouts by patrons from other library districts, and likely due in part to the high cost of gasoline.
  • 2,174 patrons registered for library cards this year, bringing the total number of active cardholders to about 20,000.
  • At 25.6 checkouts per resident, the library ranked 13th in circulation per capita among the 44 public libraries in the North Suburban Library System. The average for these libraries was 20 checkouts per capita. The national average is 10.5 checkouts per capita.
  • The library ranked 35th and 34th out of the 44 libraries for operating cost per checkout and payroll cost per checkout, respectively, at $4.54 and $2.23 per checkout. The highest NSLS library costs in the survey were $14.72 and $6.22 per checkout, respectively.
  • While total reference and information transactions (268,349) was down by less than one percent, Adult Services Reference Desk transactions (54,469) increased by 2.1%
  • The library hosted a total of 681 instructional or entertainment programs, with a total attendance of 21,709, averaging 32 attendees per program.  Reading club registrations totaled 2,551.
  • Library website ( usage reached an all-time high, with a record 322,010 online visits and 244,650 logins to the library catalog system
  • There were 32,719 online visits to the library-sponsored Wauconda Area Community Website ( - no longer an active site)
  • Online renewals of materials done by patrons themselves this year hit an all-time high of 48,196
  • The self-service checkout station was used 9,399 times, for a total of 29,194 checkouts
  • A record 2,797 audiobooks were checked out via downloading from MyMediaMall

Library Usage Statistics: FY1011 Compared to FY0910




% Change

Circulation Statistics




Adult Materials Loaned




Children's Materials Loaned




Library Total





Circulation by Wauconda Area
patron age group




Adults (18+)




Teens (14-17)




Child (5-13)





Collection Statistics




Total items in the collection





Reference and Information Transactions




Adult Services Department




Children's Services Department




Circulation Services Department




Library Total





Computer and Internet Usage




Library website visits (




Visits to library-maintained community website ( - no longer an active site)




Patron logins to online catalog system




Total PC workstation sessions




Total wireless laptop sessions




Total computer sessions




Administration, Budget and Finance

  • The library staff consisted of 19 full-time and 36 part-time employees, serving a library district population of 27,246
  • The library operated within a balanced budget totaling $3,270,700 (including building bond payment of $365,113)
  • Income from grants, gifts and fees for the year totaled $143,367
  • The average salary or wage increase for FY2010/2011 year was capped at 1.9 percent with no increase in the annual payroll budget from FY0910 to FY1011
  • The maximum workweek hours for hourly staff was set at 37.5 hours
  • A hiring freeze was put into effect in April, 2011
  • Time-and-a-half pay for Sunday hours was eliminated, effective July 1, 2011
  • 48.4% of the library's operating budget was for payroll, ranking 26th of the 44 NSLS libraries in payroll as percentage of operating budget. The highest in the survey was 65.3%
  • Compiled and submitted documentation required by the Illinois State Library in determining the population of the library district once they receive the Census 2010 figures.
  • Applied for and awarded Illinois Per Capita Grant ($25,681).
  • Received $10,540 in builders' impact fees.
  • Applied for and awarded our largest erate telecommunications discount to date ($9,000) in FY2010/2011.
  • Received ALA/Dollar General grant monies ($5,000) for “Learn a Language @ Your Library” project.
  • Received $1,300 from the United Partnership for renewal of Mango Languages online language instruction service.
  • Requested and received funding or approval for funding from the Friends of the Library for an AWE Early Learning Station ($2,600), Nooks ($500), Kindles ($600), iPads ($1,800), prize books for children’s reading clubs ($1,500), and staff association expenses ($1,200).  Total Friends commitment: $8,200.
  • Added an employee assistance program (EAP), available to all employees and their families. 
  • Staff Institute Day – All-staff tour of the new Fox Lake Public Library facility; then afternoon training sessions covering the library's new Employee Assistance Program, customer service, emergency and incident procedures, and more. 
  • Hired an additional part-time security monitor.
  • Because of the loss of state funding for NSLS, the library’s insurance group became a separate entity called the Wellness Insurance Network (WIN), run by the member libraries themselves.
  • Complied with rigorous new Freedom of Information Act requirements by adding new procedures and an informative web page.
  • Patron Behavior Policy – handling of suspension of patron privileges that exceed one year.
  • New Display Case Policy and related procedures.
  • Board review of its by-laws and the new Illinois public library standards, as required for Illinois State Per Capita Grant.
  • Board review of ways that the library has become more environmentally friendly as envisioned by the Green Governments Illinois Act, as required for Illinois State Per Capita Grant.
  • Worked with North Suburban Library System (NSLS) to ensure continuation of the delivery van service after the library system merger and formation of the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS).

Public Relations (Including outreach to the schools and business community)

  • Successfully implemented another American Library Association literacy grant project (Learn a Language @ Your Library), providing detailed reports and samples for ALA and Dollar General, the sponsors of this $5,000 grant project.
  • Re-organization of the Friends of the Library culminated in the Friends-hosted celebration in November, 2010, well attended by Friends members and library staff.  Improvements to Friends web pages and established a permanent Friends section of the library newsletter (Page 7).  Provided a new work room, now designated as the "Friends Room", specifically for the Friends to use for processing book donations.
  • Library Card Sign-Up Month -- New library card registrations for Library Card Sign-Up Month this year totaled 348. The library's home page featured Library Card Sign-Up Month and the business partnership through most of the month of September. An e-News covering this was sent out to 5,637 people in early September. Promoted these businesses in print and on the Internet.  In return, the participating businesses provided free or discounted products or services when customers showed their library cards.
  • Participated in 2-day Wauconda Chamber Expo at Wauconda High School.
  • 2-page article in the Wauconda Chamber Community Guide.
  • Hosted the website of the United Partnership for a Better Community, including frequent update of their home page.
  • Active membership in United Partnership’s Diversity Committee, promoting the Mango and Tell Me more online language instruction to the Wauconda Area community and partnering with the Bilingual Coordinator at District 118 to host a series of Spanish-language computer classes and Mango classes.  Promoted Mango's Spanish language instruction to the Wauconda Police Department.
  • Worked with the United Partnership’s Green Committee, whose mission is to gather and promote contact information for various recycling efforts in the community, and encourage other organizations in the area to incorporate recycling programs into their regular routines.  Hosted a meeting of the United Partnership for a Better Community, promoting the library’s many “green” activities. 
  • Worked with United Partnership to heighten public awareness of the importance of participating in Census 2010. 
  • Food for Fines – During the holiday season, the Circulation Department administered the Food for Fines program. The library was able to recover many delinquent items and this also helped to replenish the local Food Pantry.
  • Accepted donations year-round for the local Food Pantry.
  • Participated year-round in the LIONS Club “Used Eyeglasses” program year.
  • Participated year-round in the village’s (SWALCO administered) “Re-Use a Shoe” program.
  • Hosted New Teachers Breakfast for 25 new District 118 teachers.
  • Hosted School Librarians Breakfast for all District 118 library staff members.

Library Facility and Grounds

  • Installation of the new Printing Center, coordinating the physical reconfiguration of this part of the reference area with new electrical and data outlets, lighting, computer networking, and signage.
  • Expanded shelving in Children’s Services – coordinated specifications, negotiated contract, hired Meilahn Manufacturing – project scheduled for completion in April, 2011.
  • Negotiated new contract with Groot for garbage collection, partnering with District 118 for an economical solution.
  • Planned the addition of electrical outlets to the Quiet Study Room (completed in July, 2011).
  • Four pine trees were planted.
  • A request for bids for the exterior re-finishing of the library went out at the end of the fiscal year. The contract has since been awarded and the project is scheduled to begin August 3, 2011.

Library Automation and Technical Services

  • Completed new Technology Plan covering 2011-2013, received certification from Illinois State Library as required for federal erate discount (50% of the library's telecommunications costs).
  • Requested and reviewed competitive proposals for a new Integrated Library System (ILS), coordinating demos and price quotes from the four main ILS vendors (Innovative Interfaces, Polaris, Sirsi/Dynix, and The Library Corporation).  Selected Polaris as the library's new ILS for a go-live date of October 13, 2011.
  • Planned for LAN upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 to be completed by October 1, 2011.  Office 2003 will be upgraded to Office 2010 after the Windows 7 upgrade.
  • Established a new fee-based cost-recovery Printing Center area in Reference for public to make photocopies, send faxes, scan images to flash drives, and pick up black-and-white or color computer printouts generated from CRC PCs, wireless laptops, and from remote locations.  Coordinated all facets of this project, including web pages, promotion, and instructional materials.
  • Replaced the library’s email server with a virtual server that also serves all printing functions with installation of new Pcounter software for the Printing Center.
  • Installed a new more dependable, more user-friendly Wi-Fi hotspot system, including new web access screen.
  • Replaced 19 old PCs with new ones – mostly in Children’s Services for both staff and public. 
  • Added 13 new laptops in the Wireless Training Lab with Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.
  • A second Early Literacy Station from AWE, Inc.was added to the preschool area in Children’s Services, funded by the Friends of the Library ($2,600).
  • Added (with Friends funding) 3 Nooks and 3 Kindles for 2-week checkout.
  • Purchased 3 iPads and iPad2s (with Friends funding) for checkout, starting Fall, 2011.
  • Designed and created a mobile website to accommodate the fast-growing number of smartphone users.

Adult Services Department

  • The library worked with the school district to host the annual Studio 118 art show, where hundreds of mixed media art created by students in all grades were on display in February and March.  The library also held the awards ceremonies for each school.
  • The library worked with the Wauconda Township Historical Society to provide an open house at the Andrew C. Cook house and an ice cream social at the library.
  • The library partnered with the Wauconda Park District and the Friends of the Wauconda Area Library to bring several musical groups for the annual summer concert series.
  • Several authors presented at the library, including New York Times Bestseller Jonathan Eig, genealogist Jeffrey Brockman, mystery writers Gail Lukasik and Maggie Sefton, urbanologist Max Grinnell and teen author Kieryan Nicholas.
  • The Great Decisions Discussion Group started out with a handful of participants and has now grown to over 25 people who meet monthly to discuss current events.
  • The Lake County Astronomical Society brought their high-powered telescopes for viewing of the nighttime skies various times throughout the year.
  • Teens in grades 7-12 participated in Teen Tech Week in March by creating YouTube videos, jelly bean popsicle stick launchers, and completing a music trivia scavenger hunt.
  • Tax forms and free AARP tax assistance was provided in the spring.
  • Staff continued to use various social networking tools to promote the library, including Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr.
  • The annual summer reading programs for teens and adults was more popular than ever with patrons reading over 285,000 pages.  Weekly and grand prizes were awarded.
  • Hosted two field trips: Taste of the Town: Milwaukee and A Dickens of a Christmas.

Children's Services Department

  • 305 book and audiovisual resources displays were created and thirty-six bibliographies were developed, facilitating access to popular and prominent elements of the Children’s collections.
  • The Children’s staff developed and presented over 335 programs for children. Some highlights include: cooking classes, movies, hip hop dancing class, mad science, collection show, Lego club, cheerleading workshop, crafts, and family evening storytimes presented in Spanish.
  • The Children’s department offered many reading clubs, multi-generational book discussion groups, and literature-based programs over the course of the year and over 2,000 patrons signed up to participate.  The Friends of the Library generously supported the Winter Reading Club by purchasing paperback books for children who completed all five weeks of reading.
  • To serve the early literacy needs of very young children, 125 sessions of preschool storytime and lapsit storytime were presented. Over 2,600 children and their parents and/or caregivers attended.
  • The Children’s department hosted various annual, traditional events (such as the Teddy Bear Picnic, the Preschool Halloween Party, and the Polar Bear Picnic) as well as a wide variety of entertainment for families which included the Disc Dogs, Dave Rudolf Concert, Todd Keene and the Power Team, Smarty Pants Balloon Show, Scales and Tales, the Spoon Man, and Dave Herzog’s Marionettes.
  • The Children’s staff provided outreach services to the Wauconda Area community by participating in the Liberty Lakes Round-Up in August, the Annual Village Holiday Walk in December, and the Business Expo in February.
  • A Preschool Expo was held in the Lincoln Room in January, providing parents with an opportunity to visit and talk with directors, teachers, and child-care providers from preschools and daycares serving Wauconda and surrounding area communities.
  • Over eighty classes of preschoolers and elementary school students (approximately 2,000 children) visited the library, toured the facility, and enjoyed literature-based presentations and booktalks.
  • In order to promote the library’s resources and services, the Children’s staff participated in several school events such as the Bilingual Teachers Workshop and the Family Literacy Night at Robert Crown School.
  • The Children’s department continued to facilitate the in-library circulation and usage of Lexia laptop computers provided by CUSD #118.  The Lexia software helps struggling readers develop and refine key reading and decoding skills.
  • To encourage use of the library’s technology, the Children’s librarians hosted the Wii Gamers Club and Just Dance Party, and they offered several online activities such as Name That Superhero, Noble Pursuit, MadLibs, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid Trivia to help children develop skill in using the library’s catalog and web resources.